Use "was presented to him|be present to him" in a sentence

1. One of Edward's early nannies often abused him by pinching him before he was due to be presented to his parents.

2. Thankfully, a solution presented itself to him surprisingly soon.

3. (Ephesians 6:4) As soon as Samuel was weaned, Hannah brought him to the house of God in Shiloh and presented him to High Priest Eli.

4. When a scene called for him to be present, the action was filmed from his point of view.

5. Jim was supposed to rescue him, untie him, give him mouth-to-mouth.

6. They presented him with an engraved watch to mark his retirement.

7. The only way to stop him was to shoot him.

8. Their devotion to him was to be no mere formality.

9. To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 

10. I was drawn to him and began to love him.”

11. I then presented the copy of the Book of Mormon to him.

12. Besought Terrified to see him thus, the child clung to him and Besought him to be calm

13. It was reprehensible of him to be so disloyal.

14. It seemed to be me that was comforting him.

15. And there was nothing in his present circumstances likely to ensnare him in sensuality.

16. Brown was affable and sympathetic, but also firm and decisive in dealing with the problems presented to him.

17. They would send him home that very day and every man present would give him a parting gift to enrich him.

18. • Brown was Affable and sympathetic, but also firm and decisive in dealing with the problems presented to him

19. Then awaken him gently and present him with the bill.

20. To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent,( and assist him in his necessities. 

21. We presented him a basketball on his birthday.

22. Her job was to refIne him, to help him build his practice.

23. I was prepared to be magnanimous, prepared to feel compassion for him.

24. I was expecting him to be furious but he was very restrained.

25. The omnipresence of God refers to him being present everywhere.

26. If you want him to be gentle, you can push him away and tell him bashfully that you want him to take his.

27. / t was not difficult to convince him of your sister's indifference to him.

28. If you want him to be gentle, you can push him away and tell him bashfully that you want him to take his time.

29. Let this man be paid honor and present him with incense.

30. You ought to be kinder to him.

31. It was inexpedient for him to be seen to approve of the decision.

32. Take him out to be executed!

33. They found him to be charming.

34. They disciplined him to be patient.

35. They believed him to be insane.

36. That time I was actually going to tell him I hate him!

37. I judge him to be loyal.

38. Don't be so beastly to him!

39. + 24 But God resurrected him+ by releasing him from the pangs* of death, because it was not possible for him to be held fast by it.

40. 358 quotes from Matthew Henry: 'Women were created from the rib of man to be beside him, not from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled by him, But from under his arm to be protected by him, near to his heart to be loved by him.', 'The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but

41. I was trying to protect him.

42. The shock was deadly to him.

43. Who was she to censure him?

44. 7 Frighting was abhorrent to him.

45. She worshipped him and was canny enough not to let him know.

46. Cruelty was quite alien to him.

47. The conversation was disagreeable to him.

48. + 9 So whether at home with him or absent from him, we make it our aim to be acceptable to him.

49. Or, ‘Who has first given to him, so that it must be repaid to him?’

50. Bragadino begged him to be seated, and asked him whether he had Breakfasted.

51. She was becoming indispensable to him.

52. I was forced to disbelieve him.

53. This information was invaluable to him.

54. I was just boozing up, trying to be as tough as him.

55. It has to be somebody close to him.

56. I was trilled and honored to see him and shook hands with him.

57. Be equal to say to sell him oneself.

58. It is not fair for him to be permanently unfriendly to someone who has hurt him.

59. 27 You ought to be kinder to him.

60. It was easy to make up to him.

61. It was absence of mind that made him insensible to all that was passing around him.

62. To give something as an honor or present: The country’s highest medal was Bestowed upon him for heroism

63. 33 The horsemen entered Caes·a·reʹa and delivered the letter to the governor and also presented Paul to him.

64. Sam should be of help to him!

65. We discovered him to be an imposter.

66. Be alert to discern what concerns him.

67. 26 We elected him ( to be ) monitor.

68. Capshaw was going to try to blackmail him.

69. Let him cool his heels for a while: that'll teach him to be impolite.

70. It was brave of him square up to that big man who threatened to attack him.

71. = They Acknowledge him to be their leader

72. It would be dangerous to Antagonize him

73. You'd be like a kitten to him.

74. Christian elders endeavor to be like him

75. Wouldn't it be best to please him?

76. I determine him to be a fool.

77. “It will be strange to see him

78. I need to be alone with him.

79. We can't appear to be pressuring him.

80. I judged him to be about forty.